Have a Bearded Dragon but not sure what food to feed? Why not try our Variety Feeder Package? It consists of:
- Live Crickets - You choose the size and quantity
- Live Small Dubia Roaches - You choose the size and quantity
- 100 Live Repti Worms - the daily vitamin worm
- 75 Live Medium Mealworms- another protein worm
- 50 Live Superworms - another protein worm
- 50 Live Waxworms - a treat at the end of the day
All animals like a little variety in their diet. Give your Dragon a treat with our new Variety Package.
Specially designed to fit nicely in a single box to reduce your shipping cost.
These roaches are attractive feeders as they don't climb or fly. Depending on the temperature you keep your roaches, they can achieve adult stage in 3 to 5 months and live up to another 5 months.
Since the Dubia Roach is a live bearer, they multiply very rapidly. The adult male Dubia Roach has wings where the female does not.
No Dubia Roaches will be shipped to Florida.